Oops, we're not quite ready on mobile yet!

But you can view our website on desktop.

dguild@risd.edu / @risd_designguild

We run under RISD Center of Student Involvement (CSI) and RISD Student Employment.

For questions about invoicing, please contact RISD CSI. For questions about student employment and wages, please contact RISD's Office of Student Employment.

For project inquiries, please refer below.

Design Guild

RISD Center of Student Involvement

Sarah Knarr, Director / sknarr@risd.edu

RISD Student Employment

Kevin Lynch, Director / klynch@risd.edu


Let's make something together! Have a project for us? Submit a request through our Job Request form. We will reach out to you as soon as we can.


Our hiring cycle for the 2023/2024 school year has ended.

You can stay up-to-date through our website and social media for updates on openings. We will also hang posters around campus when applications are open!